Friday, September 08, 2006

A Pollard Update

Hi! Neal here in Butler, AL (look it up!). Kathy and the boys are in CO, doing school, church functions, and birthday stuff for a BV friend of the boys. Here's a few pics from August to keep you updated.

(the Pollards and VA friend Nancy Carter rode the train up Pike's Peak a few weeks ago. It was nearly 80 degrees at the bottom and 40 degrees on top.)

Below is a picture of Carl's eighth birthday:

A look at Gary and Dale (miscellaneous goofiness):

The boys and I shooting off a rocket at an "Open Space" park a few Fridays ago:

Kathy spoke at East Ridge church of Christ at a Ladies Day and then to the ladies at Polishing the Pulpit a couple of weeks ago (saw the CHR elders and Snells there, too):