Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Dale Baptized On Sunday

Mike Hite took these photos on Sunday for the greatest event in Dale's life. Thanks, Mike! Below is Kathy's email telling several people and my poem in Daily Bread on Monday. We rejoice with Dale in his decision and we appreciate the many folks who have emailed congratulations and loving words.


"Dear Friends and Family,
Dale was baptized today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He has been talking about this since last September. Neal and I have been studying with him off and on, and last night it came up again. Then, right after Bible class this morning, Dale came up and said, "Mom, please....I'd really like to be baptized today!" Of course I was emotionally unprepared and instantly burst into tears. I just hugged him and said, "Go talk to your father."
I wish you could've seen his face! He was so excited. He was grinning from ear to ear. He went forward during the invitation song and Neal handled his confession, then baptized him. Dale was still grinning.
A few minutes later he asked, "Mom, did you feel this good....real, real good, after you were baptized? And just think, now I don't have to be afraid to fly anymore." Smiley emoticon
I feel like our very recent trip to Tanzania had a lot to do with Dale's decision to become a Christian. He was touched, impressed, moved... For those of you who haven't heard me share this yet, one night in Africa, I heard Dale singing in his room, "Now the Day is Over." I went in to talk to him and found him reading the Swahili Bible. He went on several studies with us. He helped hand out candy and Colorado bracelets to the Tanzanian children. He witnessed God's beautiful creation and glory when we went on safari. His heart just took it all in!
Anyway, I DO realize that I've just rambled on like a proud mother, but I wanted to share our good news with you. Oh happy day!"
Thank you for the influence that all of you have had on our sons. Thank you for being a part of their lives. And, thank you for your prayers on their behalf.
Love and rejoicing,


Neal Pollard

He said after class in that hectic in-between

“I want to be baptized today”

You’re never prepared nor can you anticipate the scene

When your child wants his sins washed away.

We so underestimate what goes on in their minds,

Our children we watch day by day,

Or the depth they absorb, the truth their heart finds,

In the Bible that points to The Way.

We see bursts of service, maturity, and fears

That points to their accountableness

But it still grabs our hearts and brings Mamas to tears,

When they publicly Jesus confess.

As I stood there assisting the young candidate,

The feeling was close to surreal,

This one is my child, whose conviction’s so great,

That he publicly before Christ would kneel.

In ways it’s a blur, what happened yesterday

In the moments before and then after,

The whole congregation their encouragements to say

The smiles, the kind words, and the laughter.

I’m always elated when somebody chooses,

To come over to Jesus’ side,

That means God has won one, that means Satan loses,

But forgive my extra measure of pride!

This was one I helped to bring into existence,

One possessed of an everlasting soul,

We’ve battles to go, they’ll require persistence,

But there’s no greater joy or greater goal!

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

5th Trip To Africa--March 22-April 7

My new book's cover (see details below).

These rhinos passed only several feet behind us!!

Delta Class at Andrew Connelly School of Preaching (BV Extension in Kisongo, TZ)

Dale (despite mug in this shot) says he "loved" doing Bible studies.

My beautiful bride preaching to the ladies (Naama Martin translating). Hey, Nick, look at that gesture. It's CRISP!
These last two pictures are taken at essentially the same spot at the park entrance of Ngorogoro National Park. This first one was of Gary and I in June of 2004. The one below is of Dale and I in April of 2007. Don't worry, Carl. Lord willing, yours will be up there in a couple of years.

Saturday evening, April 7th, ended what by all accounts (including the eight who suffered through the world's worst itinerary going into Africa) was a wonderful trip to Tanzania, East Africa. This was an especially special trip for us for several reasons. It was our first opportunity to go with a group from Bear Valley after the first four being with Cold Harbor. It was also a trip in which our middle son was able to go with us to TZ. Dale, like Gary, loved being there! There were twenty baptisms the two weeks we were there, and we were a part of many of these studies. Kathy did studies, taught classes, and conducted three Ladies Seminars. Dale went out with us four different days to do personal work (and sat in on nearly ten studies). He also helped with various other projects we did (for example, opening coke bottles at the Ladies Day in Usa River). I conducted studies, preached at Kioga, Arusha, and Kisongo, and taught "How We Got The Bible" at the Bear Valley Extension there. I lost my voice from teaching and am still only at about 50% in that regard. Funny, no one's complaining about that. In the middle of the trip, we were able to go back to the Ngorogoro Crater for what we all agreed (those who have been on safaris in the group) was the best safari yet.
On another personal note, my first book has been officially published and is available to the public. It was my thesis for my Master's Degree at BVBID. While I would have done some things differently from a writing standpoint if I had it to do over, I'm pretty pleased overall. Hope everybody out there in blog-reading land is doing well. Congratulations to Jonathan Hadra and Allison Toth on their upcoming (when?) wedding. Also to Laura Elliott and Joseph Kelly, who will wed on May 19th in Henderson, TN. It was my privilege to baptize Laura many moons ago.