Friday, March 07, 2008

The Latest From The Pollards

These first two pictures are from Gary's new camera. He's getting a knack for this!

It makes the parents SO proud!

We started up our "Alphabet Fellowship" at Bear Valley in February. We started with "As" and "Ms." This is a great way to get to know the church and for families who may or may not spend a lot of time together to fellowship with each other.

The Murphys and Amanda McIntosth (R)

The Autreys

Kathy is staying busy, between homeschooling, teaching in the ladies program at Bear Valley Bible Institute, and handling several speaking assignments this year.

I came back to celebrate my 38th birthday. Why did Kathy give me THIS?

I enjoyed being in Siem Reap, Cambodia. While there, I was able to see Angkor Wat (an ancient Buddhist temple complex and the largest religious structure in the world).

A view of the skyline of Dhaka, the capital city of Bangladesh.

The delta of Bangladesh between Bandarban and Chittagong.

The elders at Bear Valley sent me to Bangladesh and Cambodia to explore mission opportunities in the one and check in on our work in the other. I really enjoyed getting to know and accompany Ralph Williams of Dallas, TX, who works with the BVBI-Extensions in Asia (and Uganda). He's a bundle of energy.

Can you believe Dale is 12?

We had the "carolers" over to our house after we serenaded various ones in our congregation and community. We had 84 last year and 82 this year. This is a lot of fun.

Gary performing with SYD (Singing Youth Of Denver) at East Denver church of Christ at the end of last semester.

Carl enjoying one of his Christmas presents.

Christmas 2007 gave us our biggest snow of the year to date: 11 inches! It snowed all day long, helping us have one of our best Christmases ever.