Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally an update

In early May, I held my 2nd (and maybe last) Sun.-Fri. gospel meeting in Springfield, OH. On Friday afternoon, I got to visit the National USAF Museum of aviation history in neighboring Dayton. It was cool! The meeting seemed to go very well, too.

The newest member of the Pollard fleet is Kathy's Honda Pilot. It's our first 4WD and has plenty of space for 8 passengers, so y'all come visit!

We've had a gorgeous spring, with lots of rain (it's been a bit hot now that summer's here). It's made for a lusher lawn and lots of time spent outdoors in our backyard, which we're really enjoying! The family who owned the house before us planted dozens of perennials that bloom in a staggered way so that different things bloom from March-July. It's awesome.

We've had some Cold Harbor visitors now and again, which we have enjoyed. Glenn Myers was over with business in early May, then we had a surprise visit from Mike and Ginny Noggle at the end of that month. Their son, Jonathan, lives in Ft. Collins now.

This year I directed the Future Preachers Training Camp, which Bear Valley has hosted since 1999 (started by Roger Shepherd). I'm the 4th director. We had a great year. Bear Valley really gets involved with FPTC (as they do our Bible Discovery Days--our version of VBS, one that is more elaborate than any I've ever seen or known about). It was a double joy to have my brother-in-law, Bud Woodall, good college buddy, Jason Chesser, and some BVBID faculty to help teach classes and especially to have my son, Gary, as one of the campers. Dale and Carl are itching to be a part of it, too!!!

We did some fun activities during the week of FPTC. Saturday night, we got outfield pavilion seats in left field to watch the Rockies battle the Devil Rays. We came early to watch Batting Practice, and Gary's old man got lucky and caught a Delmon Young BP homer! They were also having a Macy's Rockies tie give away, so he and I have matching ties now.

Another perk of having Bud was Kathy getting to have her sister, Kristy, and our nephews, Lee and David. The cousins had a great time playing together all week. Lee's birthday was on Wednesday. He's 11.

I think one of the biggest highlights of the spring was getting to watch Gary go through the camp and ultimately prepare and then present his sermon. He's preached twice before (once at Cold Harbor and then where Dad preaches in Fayetteville, NC), but I think he really learned alot and seemed to really love it.

Well, that's a thumbnail sketch of life with the Pollards right now (since early May). We did the Memorial Day camp out, Kathy participated in the Bear Valley ladies progressive dinner (we had 63 adults in our home on May 11th), went thru BDD & FPTC, enjoyed family and visitors, and Kathy's taking two more classes at the school this quarter. The boys' school year is done. My parents and brother come in a few weeks, then a very busy August-November! Please come to see us and let us know how you are doing!
Neal, Kathy, Gary, Dale, Carl, and Clover

1 comment:

L. Bishop said...

Gary is looking so grown-up now with that trace of moustache coming in. I can see the Pollard! (He's always favored Kathy, see.) Love to all of you.--Lisa Bishop