Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Mission Trip 2006

Bill teaching at Monduli, Tanzania.
Me, Kathy and Bill on the way to Kilimanjaro Airport (guess what mountain that is behind us)
Kathy, Margaret Wachesa and Stephanie Stafford before the Ladies Day in Monduli.

Me teaching the ACSOP students during the week (Blitz Course)

Kathy and Bill jamming to "Harvey and Sheila" in a flat in Paris, France. It was the home of Rosemary and Manu, daughter and
son in law of Roland and Rose Mohsen (Cold Harbor Road missionaries in France).

Roland and me (preaching and translating) during the evening
service at Paris (Rue de Deodat church of Christ).

Just a couple of photographic memories we have of our best mission trip yet. Kathy did a ladies seminar and taught several personal Bible studies in Africa. Bill Snell help a gospel meeting in Monduli, a military town west of Ksongo (Tanzania). He also conducted quite a few studies. I taught the epistles of John to the Andrew Connelly School of Preaching, in addition to preaching at Ksongo and Arusha a few times each. Bill and I each taught class and preached in Paris, France, en route back home, the first "check in" trip made there by Cold Harbor in several years. We greatly enjoyed being together, though the rainy season made for some uneasy riding in Africa.

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